Frequently Asked Questions

How long do herbs and spices typically last?

The shelf life of herbs and spices can vary, but generally, whole spices can last for 3-4 years, ground spices for 2-3 years, and dried herbs for 1-3 years. However, for the best flavour, it's recommended to use them within 6-12 months of opening.

Can I use dried herbs instead of fresh herbs in my recipes?

Yes, you can use dried herbs as a substitute for fresh herbs in recipes. However, keep in mind that the flavours may differ, as dried herbs are more concentrated.

As a general rule, use 1 teaspoon of dried herbs in place of 1 tablespoon of fresh herbs. Adjust the amount based on your taste preferences.

How should I store my herbs and spices?

To maintain the freshness and potency of your herbs and spices, store them in airtight containers in a cool, dry, and dark place, away from direct sunlight, heat, and moisture. Avoid storing them near the stove or other sources of heat. Proper storage will help preserve their flavours and extend their shelf life.

Can I use your spice blends for grilling and barbecuing?

Absolutely! Our spice blends are versatile and can be used to enhance the flavours of grilled and barbecued dishes. Whether you're preparing meats, vegetables, or even marinades, our blends will add a delicious and aromatic touch to your outdoor cooking.

Do you offer bulk or wholesale ordering options?

Yes, we provide bulk and wholesale ordering options for businesses, restaurants, and individuals looking to stock up on our herb and spice blends. Please contact our customer support team to discuss your requirements and explore our bulk purchasing opportunities.


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